Are you currently experiencing issues with your landscape lighting? Do you need upgrades or adjustments due to changes in landscape or poor design? We can help!
We understand that Colorado can have some intense weather conditions from 60 mph gust to spontaneous hail storms. We can repair and replace any existing outdoor lighting from bulbs to fixtures.
Whether its a couple bulbs that need to be replaced, exposed wires that need to be hidden, or wires hit by an aerator in the spring we have your back.
Trees grow, terrain change, fixtures move. We can upgrade your landscape lighting to accommodate these changes, and improve the current design.
Our technicians and design team can turn a mediocre outdoor lighting design into a breathtaking oasis that stands out in any neighborhood. We use premium fixture that are proven to last with warranty's to back them.
With years of experience in design and installation, our team can put together timeless designs that will last.